Friday, March 15, 2013

Great Grandma's Little Bragbook

This Christmas I lost my mind and decided that I would give out a million mini albums. Okay, it wasn't really a million, but boy did it feel like it when I was crafting at 4am Christmas Eve night after wrangling my 4 month olds all day.

The results, however, were great. for a minimal amount of money I managed to make several mini books that I was exceptionally proud of. But, this one was my favorite! I took the pictures after they were all completed (ummm, early Christmas morning?) so they aren't perfect, but, I think you'll get the general idea.

Back Cover

The majority of the book is taken from the paper pack Tattered Time by Die Cuts With A View (DCWV). I snuck in some scraps of polka dots too. I tend to do A LOT of sewing on my projects because I a) always run out of adhesive and thread is cheap, and b) think it adds a lot of character. I'll try to do a good tutorial on machine showing on paper in the future. I will tell you that I am terrified of actually using my sewing machine on fabric (haha!).

This book was tiny. If I remember correctly it was only about 2.5"x5". Great Grandma lives in Hawaii so I wanted to make sure that it wasn't going to take up a lot of room in her suitcase on the way home. She seemed to really enjoy it.

The back cover is one of my favorite photos of the twins. The photographer who took our newborn photos is named Ellie King. She's amazing, and if you need a photographer in the Boise area definitely call her. The stamp with my name was a Pick Your Plum deal, and I can't remember for the life of me what the company is that made it. I LOVE that stamp.

Hope you guys enjoyed the project!

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